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Nowadays, many people only know old-fashioned pumps from historical films or the grandparents' garden. And that is logical, because they can hardly be compared with the efficiency of today's pumps in private and industrial use. In order to increase this efficiency even more and to be...

A garden hose saves you having to carry heavy watering cans from your water connection to your beds. With a garden hose you water your lawn and beds. You also need a good garden hose as a connection for your garden shower and to take...

In addition to the attractive design, a clever closure and good workmanship, the lifetime guarantee is a big plus. In addition, individual parts can be purchased. So the company is convinced of its product and focuses on sustainability....

Surely you can use a simple sprinkler for children. With these you can both blow up the lawn and give the children some fun. For more action, you should use a suitable water sprinkler for children....

Watering and irrigating plants in the garden is essential. Lawns, vegetables and flowers must be watered regularly if they are to thrive well. As a simple solution to this is possible by the tap drinking water, but with the next account one will soon notice...

A domestic waterworks serves water for buildings that are not connected to the public water supply. It supplies the residents with industrial and drinking water. But a waterworks can also be used despite connection to the public water supply in order to save water costs....

Jogging, hiking or Nordic walking is fun, keeps you fit and healthy (if done correctly). In addition to the right choice of shoes and the right outfit, you have to make sure to be able to drink enough liquid. The best possible uncomplicated and space-saving....

It is important that drinking is not a cumbersome task for the children. Then maybe they drink less and we all know how important drinking is. Watch your child, the children often exchange the bottles on the playground or the daycare. Then you may realize which...

A water pump is a device for transporting water. The purpose can be irrigation or drainage or the water can be used to operate a device (e.g. fountain) or for cooling (engine cooling in motor vehicles)....

There are several reasons why mothers need to stop breastfeeding earlier. In some cases, it may not be possible to breastfeed for health reasons, then you must think about the purchase of a bottle....

During longer periods of frost, however, it is often very difficult for birds to find drinking water outside. When fresh snow falls, wild birds take it in to cover their water needs. If, however, the snow is iced up or temperatures are below zero during...
